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Archive for August, 2023

Committee Volunteers Needed

Good afternoon, Oak Creek Club Homeowners, Would you like to join the Award-winning team that supports your community? The following committees currently have openings: Committee Volunteer Form https://www.oakcreekclubhoa.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/COMMITTEE-VOLUNTEER-FORM.pdf The Facilities Committee has four openings with one pending volunteer request. This committee meets monthly on the last Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM. The next …

August Social Events

Good afternoon, Oak Creek Club, Please remember to mark your calendars for the upcoming August Social Events! Get Fit While You Sit Event 8/24/23 at 11:00 am Get Fit While you Sit flyer Friday Night Bingo 8/25/2023 at 7pm Friday Night Bingo Flyer These events will take place in the Swim and Tennis Center. We …

Helpful Tips from Officer Battle

Good afternoon, Oak Creek Club Homeowners, Below are helpful reminders from the community’s officer liaison, Officer Battle. In addition, below are the numbers to contact the Prince George’s County Police Department.  Emergency: 911 Non-Emergency Police Dispatch:301-352-1200 Police Information: 301-516-9777 County Resources: 311 Crisis Hotline: 211 Stop it before it starts. Take it with you. Respectfully, Alexis Stevenson On-Site …

Community Power Outage Inquiries

Good afternoon, Oak Creek, Club Homeowners Association, If there is a community power outage, please contact your electric service provider. The electric service providers for Oak Creek Club are PEPCO and BGE. Please see their contact information below. BGE: (877) 778-2222  Report an Outage Online | Baltimore Gas and Electric Company (bge.com) PEPCO: (877) 737-2662 Report an …

Oak Creek Club School Bus Acces

Good morning, Oak Creek Club Homeowners,   The management team is coordinating school bus access to the community with the Access control team for the 2023-2024 upcoming school year. With this said, we are requesting that homeowners provide school bus schedules to the management office on or before Thursday, August 24, 2023. We want to ensure …